Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'm here!

After all the planning and the worrying we are finally here! The plane ride from L.A was very long but it was better than I thought. We arrived in the Auckland Airport at 7:25. Then a 2 hour ride to Tauranga. Grandma couldn't get over how beautiful it was and as quote ''I can't compare it to anything in the world, its  so beautiful!!'' When we first arrived at home it was really hot but compared to Michigan anything is hot. Spent the first couple days getting to know the area, we saw the girls collage the school I'll be attending and its about 3 times as big as Shepherd! Orientations don't start until Tuesday to Wednesday but school doesn't start till Friday; uniform and all! 

Taking a walk around Mt. Maunganui!


  1. I am glad you made it safely, take lots of pictures, enjoy what the country has to offer! Lead by example and make new friends that will last your lifetime!!

  2. Enjoy your time. Take lots of pictures. What a wonderful opportunity for you to see another part of the world, at such a young age.


  3. thanks!! I will make sure about lots of pictures. And thanks I'm very lucky.

  4. She is very lucky and her mother is very jealous!

  5. you should be mom, i would be too if i was you. hahah:D
